lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016

Extra Practice answers for units 9 & 10.

Hello, everyone.
Here are the answers to the Extra Practice sections for units 9 & 10. You'll find the exercises on pages 123 and 124 of your course book.
Good luck on Friday


viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016

Men's brains and women's brains.

Hello everyone.
This video isn't made for students, but a colleague of mine has prepared an activity sheet which has a glossary to help you.

Unit 8C

Difference between Men’s Brains and Women’s Brains:
An American comedian gives his “take” on the difference between men and women’s brain and the practical implications when they relate or live together.

Link to video:

Before You Watch
1.    Vocabulary The following words or expressions may be new :
·         basement (n.) = bottom floor of a building; cellar
·         particular ( adj.) = specific
·         aware (adj.) = conscious or cognizant of
·         subject (n.) = topic, theme
·         wire (n.)= metal in the form of a thread or thin rod (alambre)
·         upbringing (n.)  = family teaching and training of a child; “educación” in the non-academic sense
·         nun(n.) = religious sister in the Catholic church
·         brain-dead ( adj.) = without any activity in the brain
·         unwind ( v.) = relax, free one’s self of stress
·         nuts ( adj. / coll.) = crazy
2.   Think about the following points:
-       Have you heard or read anything about the difference between men and women’s brains?
-       Do you think that men and women are innately quite different in terms of the way we use our brains or do you think it’s mainly a question of individuals and the differences are exaggerated?

First Viewing
Now read the following sentences. Listen to determine which sentences are true of men, which are true of women and which are true for neither according to the comedian. Write M, W, or N.

1.    Their brains are made of a big ball of wire.     _____________
2.    Their brains are made of little boxes that don’t touch each other.  ________
3.    Their brains are made of big boxes that connect with each other. _________
4.    They close the little boxes of their brains very carefully. _______
5.     Their brains are like internet super-highways driven by emotional energy. _______
6.     Their brains are like race cars driven by sexual energy. ____________
7.    They tend to remember everything.   _________
8.     They don’t care about many things.   __________
9.      Their favourite box is the “nothing box.”  ________.

10.  Their favourite box is the “people box.”  _________.

11.  Their minds never stop working. ________

12.  They handle stress by not thinking or talking.  _______

13.  If they don’t talk when they have a problem, they will explode.  _______

14.  If you give them advice, they will become loving and appreciative.  _____

15.  They think that they are supposed to fix things.  _________

16.   When they are stressed, they have to do a physical activity.   ____ 
Second Viewing Answer the following questions.
1.    What is the main rule for men’s brains?

2.     What are some things that most annoy men about women?

3.    What kind of school did the comedian attend when he was young and what teacher does he remember?

4.      According to the speaker, what happens when you connect an event to an emotion?

5.    What thing about men most drives women crazy?

6.    What are two “brain-dead” activities that men love to do?

7.    What are 2 or 3 things men typically say to women?

8.    What are 2 or 3 things that women typically say to men?

Language Focus
Complete using the gerund or the infinitive of the verb in parenthesis. If there is no verb, add a logical verb in the right form.

1.    Men close their boxes ____________ (be) very careful  ____________________ ( touch- neg.) any other box.
2.    Women tend _____________ ( remember) everything.
3.    Women’s brains never stop _________________. ( work)
4.    Nothing makes a woman more irritated than ______________ ( see) a man______   nothing.
5.    Men don’t understand that women just need ______________ about their problems.
6.    They just want the men ____________________.
7.     Men avoid ____________ when they have problems or are stressed.

8.    They refuse ________ anyone come into their “nothing box.”           

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016


Hi guys! I have sent an email to the CSIM. My complain is about the new classroom for our clases. If I recieve any answer I'd told you in the next class.

sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

Quantifiers explained

One of the drawbacks of presenting all these quantifiers together is the overload of rules for each different case. My colleague Sheila has drawn up this infograph to help clarify it for you. I'm sure you'll find it useful. Thanks, Sheila.


1       VOCABULARY: We started the class doing a homonyms review, page 77. You can check this vocabulary :page 147, 9.3.  and the vocabulary on page 82: adjectives for views and behaviour.

2       GRAMMAR. We continued with some grammar: have/get something done, get someone to do something, do something yourself, page 81, and we correct 7a. Quantifiers (each, both of, everyone,…), page 83, exercise 3.

3       READING, page 82: “Youth in the 21st century”; we did exercices 1a and 2.

4       SPEAKING:  we spoke in pairs about having things done, 10A. Find some one who…, and follow-up questions.

5       HOMEWORK: check the blog for hw, written before by Tom.

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

HW for 26.2.16

Hello, everyone.
Here's the HW I mentioned. From 10A, just do Ex1. From 10B, do everything. Remember I also asked you to do Ex 5a on p83.
See you all next Friday.

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016

Progress Test II

Hello, everyone.
Here is the information you need to be aware of for our 2nd progress test. Please read it carefully, and if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them in class.
Best regards.

Progress Test 2

LX groups - X02 marzo
MJ groups - J03 marzo
V groups -   V04 marzo
S groups -   S05 marzo

The marks breakdown is as follows..

Final exam (compulsory) = 40%

Progress Test 1               =   5%
Progress Test 2               =   5%

Participation                    = 10% (self-explanatory - in class, on your blog etc)
Oral Project                     = 10%

Written work, tasks, homework = 30%

Points to note:

1. The dates for progress tests are fixed.

2. The exam is worth 5% but you cannot fail on the grounds that you missed a progress test.

3. There is not an opportunity to do it in another class or on another day

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016


-Warmer: we talked about things in which we are good with our hands. This is related to 80 page.
-We also talked in groups about things that we can do ourselves, or when we have/get something done, using ex. 4a-4b structures, on 81 page.
-Socialising: we talked about how a good day would be in Madrid, using vocabulary and suggestion/preferences/refusing expressions on ex.3a, 78 page.
-Ex. 3a, 80 page.
-80-81 pages.
-Having/getting things done.
-Ex. 4a, 4b, 4c, 6, 8 and 9, on 81 page.
-Ex. 1a, 80 page. Vocabulary about things that people good with their hands can do. You can check it on 149 page.
-Ex. 7a, 81 page.
-As we’ve got two Fridays without classes, for people couldn’t come last Friday (12/02/16), is necessary you to prepare, do exercises and review 80 and 81 pages, because we’re continuing next day with different things.

*Remember we are in a new class now.
F. de Estadística building, C-13 classroom.

sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016

B2.1 10A To have/get things done. Infograph

Hello, everyone. 
Here's an infograph I've drawn up which I hope will clarify any doubts. Notice the difference in how we use 'get' with reference to payment.
As usual, I'll be happy to clarify any doubts in class.

B2.1 10A To have/get things done. Infograph

To have something done

Someone else does it, and you pay.

To get something done

Someone else does it, and you pay.

To get someone to do something
(Notice the difference in structure. See p81 4B.)

Someone else does it, but you don’t necessarily pay.

To do something yourself

You do it, without any help