sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016


1       VOCABULARY: We started the class doing a homonyms review, page 77. You can check this vocabulary :page 147, 9.3.  and the vocabulary on page 82: adjectives for views and behaviour.

2       GRAMMAR. We continued with some grammar: have/get something done, get someone to do something, do something yourself, page 81, and we correct 7a. Quantifiers (each, both of, everyone,…), page 83, exercise 3.

3       READING, page 82: “Youth in the 21st century”; we did exercices 1a and 2.

4       SPEAKING:  we spoke in pairs about having things done, 10A. Find some one who…, and follow-up questions.

5       HOMEWORK: check the blog for hw, written before by Tom.

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